Saturday, March 24, 2012

Spiritual Musings (continued)

I'm about to head to bed, but I have to share a conversation with you (it's just to pertinent to what I was writing earlier) I just had with Abdul before going to bed. Apparently, he had heard the preacher at 6:30am this morning too and decided that he has had enough with the preaching at obscene times (technically against school rules). He threw some water on his face before storming downstairs and interrupting the preacher: "Do you know that there are people still trying to sleep at this hour?" The preacher retorted, "But Jesus has told us to preach." Abdul couldn't stand it anymore: "You know, Jesus told you to 'do onto others as you would wish done onto you.' How would you feel if I came out here at 5:00 in the morning and began preaching about how everyone who doesn't accept Mohammed will go to hell?! Jesus commands you to preach, but he would never have preached like this!" I couldn't have been prouder of him at that moment, although maybe when he shrugged off his devoutly Christian roommate who frowned when he came back in the room is a close second. There'll be another preacher, and another, but I think the plan now is to get Abdul a megaphone and stand behind him next time it happens.

I love this guy - he's a thinker, he's fierce, and he's not afraid to stand up for what he believes in (even when it goes against the grain). I hope he'll write a blog post on here soon - I want him to introduce himself to all of you and allow you to hear straight from the horse's mouth.

1 comment:

  1. 6:30am is not early for Muslim prayer calls. It is 4am every day in Israel, and is blasted through super strong megaphones to everybody, including Jewish neighbors. In every mosque, in every village.
